Educational Grants and Bursaries

These grants are opportunities for members of the League of Nurses and/or The Royal London Hospital nurses to gain funding for educational courses or to attend conferences.

The grants can also be used for nurses to visit other hospitals to enhance their practice. The educational experience must be related to nursing. A bursary should be used to gain further experience within your role or towards further study which will improve patient care or service delivery.


The Clare Mann Bursary Fund (Incorporating Ida Latham Scholarship, Jill Garrard Fund, Chris Moran Fund, the Denise Barnett Bursary Fund)

You need to have either trained at The Royal London Hospital (RLH) or have been in post at RLH for one year or more. Alternatively, you should be an existing member of the League of Nurses. 


Application Form


Please send to Cath Comley, President of the RLH League of Nurses. Contact details are on the form.



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